Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Digital Story (finally!) - "La Cuisine Française"

Alleluia, praise the Lord - IT'S DONE! As much fun as I did have putting this together, I did not anticipate how time-consuming it would be to get the timing, narration, music, transitions, etc just right. It's also my own fault for being a bit of a perfectionist.

Let me warn you that my video is a bit long. I know we had a 3-minute limit, but mine is 4 minutes. I felt that since I actually intend to use this with my students, I needed to include all the necessary info pertinent to their unit on food, which makes it a bit longer than originally planned. However (if I do say so myself) I think it's pretty engaging and doesn't drag too much ;)

Here it is - enjoy! Hope you're not too hungry after watching!


  1. Très bien. Excellent. J'ai très faim. Je suis heureux que je sois français. Je désire retourner à Paris et la Provence bientôt.

  2. What a delicious way to learn about the French language. I did get hungary watching your superb production.

  3. Cristin, I really enjoyed this video. It was really well done! I like that the images you used were authentic. The French culture really showed through in this video and it caught my attention and engaged me. I'm sure your students were engaged also just knowing that their teacher created it. The food looked delicious!

  4. If I were your student, I'd much prefer looking at the delicious foods you highlight in your video, than some random pictures/ terms found on a vocabulary sheet! This video brings real authenticity to your instruction as you focus on the French culture. The background music, pacing, images, and narration are perfect. Bravo!

  5. Cristin, I agree with Andrea in that your video has a more authentic feel than a random textbook which, as I recall from my French classes in high school, had nothing to do with anything realistic. This was excellent, especially in that it was YOU who went to France and sampled the food! C'est formidable!

  6. I love the layout of your digital story. You are showing a lot of delectable treats all the while providing a vocabulary learning session. I also liked how you were able to insert your very own photos for your images to really tie it all together.
